Once youve finished editing the sprite, go back in to the WAD editor and find the sprite you extracted, then press Ctrl+R to replace it with the file you have just edited. Find the sprite you want to edit and use Ctrl+E to extract it to the location of your choice. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic latest version: Hotline Miami 2: Wron. Go to your Hotline Miami 2 directory and select hlm2datadesktop.wad.

Posts simply displaying a full combo are not allowed, as well.Live in Australia? Pirate the game.Level EditorDISCLAIMER: When downloading any files from this subreddit or, you are doing so at your own risk.Neither the community nor the moderation team is responsible for your irresponsible Internet practices use common sense when downloading anything, and if you have any questions, suspicions or doubts, make sure to contact the original poster for more information. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic, free and safe download. This isn't YouTube, and we're not responsible for boosting your view count.

Please do not post a first time playthrough, as it will not only likely not be too well-received, but also clog up the subreddit. For playthroughs of custom levels, please post them in the comment section of the original level, and notify the creator of the map. Chances are it has already been answered multiple times, and asking it again is not only a waste of people's time, but it clogs up the subreddit.Let's Plays with interesting content (record-breaking speedruns, unique playstyles, or Iron Man runs, for example) are now allowed.