Spore gives you a variety of powerful yet easy-to-use creation tools so you can create every aspect of your universe: creatures, vehicles, buildings, and even starships. Here's the images, plus a few more heads I've made since last posting:AllosaurusCeratosaurusPteranodonVelociraptorAcrocanthosaurusCarcharodontosaurusCompsognathusDeinonychusGallimimusStegosaurusTroodonTriceratopsStill don't have an eta for version 1.1, since there's quite a few more I want to add before releasing and many of them will require brand new models.ĭisgusting creature devours earth - toadled what have i created? Spore - part 12 these robots are insane. Sorry, didn't realize Photobucket no longer lets you post images links to forums. Been working on a few more heads, here's a preview of what I have so far:VelociraptorPteranodonAllosaurusCeratosaurusI could release these now but I want to get at least some herbivores in before releasing v1.1, just haven't gotten around to making them yet since they'd require brand new models, and currently I'm trying to make what I can by editing existing heads since that's a much faster process (for example the Velociraptor is an edited Utahraptor, and the Allo and Cerato are edited from the Giganotosaurus).